Hello folks…haa dah berhabuk plak blog ni. HEHE. Almaklum busy
dengan ig shop (psstt…jangan lupa follow @marykwithlysa ..hehehe).
Alright, hari ni saya nak share one of Mary Kay skincare unit iaitu
Secret to Smiling Skin!
Secret to Smiling Skin!
Haa…tgok gamba skittt…kat bawah ni.
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credit to nurulmkash.files.wordpress.com |
Apa kata pengguna2 Botanical Effects?
Botanical Effects ialah regimen asas yang dirumus khas untuk semua jenis kulit, sekalipun mereka yang mempunyai kulit yang sensitif. Mengapa? Kerana semua produk di sini adalah bebas daripada pewarna sintetik dan wangian. Semuanya cukup lembut bagi sesiapa sahaja.
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Adik ni memang suka gila kat Botanical Effects J
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worry wanita mengandung pon boleh pakai J
FYI, this skincare regimen consist of:
- BE Cleanse
- BE Freshen
- BE Hydrate
- BE Mask
The functions of these products are:
i) BE Cleanse: Gently cleanses without stripping skin of essential elements.
Haa..ni sangat penting ye kawan2. Perasan tak most of skincare product nowadays
always use ‘Bleaching’ concept in producing results and luring consumer to buy
it?? Bleaching concept tu hape? Ala…yang pakai seminggu dah putih merah2 tu.
Haa itu laa..woii jangan buat main oii..bahaya! Kulit nak pakai lame ni.
Sebab..produk2 bleaching ni menipiskan Epidermis. So yang tinggal hanyalah Dermis.
Okay you all baca each and every single functions of
Epidermis & Dermis dulu. Baru korang tau kenapa tak boleh biar Epidermis
nipis or tak ada sama sekali dan kenapa tak boleh biarkan dermis terdedah kepada
cahaya matahari.
Okay, by referring on the right side of the diagram you will notice
that the first layer of our skin is called Epidermis while underneath it is
called Dermis.
- The outermost layer of skin provides a waterproof barrier and creates our skin tone.
- Most of the cells in the epidermis are keratinocytes.
- They originate from cells in the deepest layer of the epidermis called the basal layer.
- New keratinocytes slowly migrate up toward the surface of the epidermis.
- Once the keratinocytes reach the skin surface, they are gradually shed and are replaced by newer cells pushed up from below.
· YEZZA baca tu.. Gradually shed on day 28 every month.
"The skin’s color is created by
special cells called melanocytes, which produce the pigment melanin. Melanocytes are located
in the epidermis."
(Yet people tend to use products that corroding epidermis layer.
- Beneath the epidermis, contains tough connective tissue, hair follicles, and sweat glands.
- Ketebalan dermis hanyalah 3-5 mm, merupakan anyaman serabut kolagen dan elastin yang bertanggung jawab untuk sifat-sifat penting dari kulit.
- It is responsible for the skin's pliability and mechanical resistance and is also involved in the regulation of the body temperature.
- The dermis supplies the a vascular epidermis with nutrients by means of its vascular network. It contains sense organs for touch, pressure, pain and temperature as well as blood vessels, nerve fibers, sebaceous and sweat glands and hair follicles.
So?? Tahu dah kenapa bahaya??
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Tengoklah kesannya. Bersabar dan pilih produk yang selamat. http://hydroquinonecream.us/ |
Okay lah kite ringkaskan kot2 korang malas nak baca.
Bayangkan dermis anda terdedah kepada sinaran UV yang makin hari
makin kuat tambahan lagi dengan pollution di sekitar kita makin bertambah teruk.
Bukan tu saja, produk tempatan atau luar yang tidak mendapat kelulusan Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) sudah tentu merbahaya kerana dikhuatiri mengandungi MERKURI DAN JUGA HYDROKUINON.
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Totally unhealthy and dangerous! Tu yang once stop trus muka naik jeragat. Permukaan kulit dermis yang sensitive dah terdedah dengan kotoran/hama dalam udara kita jadi kulit muka mudah rosak. Apa lagi naik lah jeragat..if nasib tak baik kena kanser kulit jugak macamane???
Jangan macam tu. Mana ada benda yang cepat kat dunia ni. Kena jadi sabar.
Memang sabar tu susah *sigh* tapi kalau sampai kulit rosak & kesihatan pon
ikut sekali terjejas camne??
Haa jauh dah membebel..maaf2..hehehe..sambung balik meh.
ii) BE Mask: Okay lepas pakai cleanser, kita pakai pulak mask. Eee best! Kite suka
pakai mask dari zaman sekolah lagi sebab rasa nyaman je. Kalau pakai MARY KAY BOTANICAL
EFFECTS MASK lagi la double triple best. Boleh rasa tau. Rasa apa?
Haa..hehe..mask BE ni akan membersihkan kotoran di kulit muka dengan lembut
tau. At the same time it will revitalizes our skin. Menyegarkan dan meremajakan
kulit. Lepas ni sume jalan lompat2 sebab jadi remaja.hahahah..
iii) BE Freshen: Mary Kay use non-drying formula to gently remove excess residue
from skin. Cara pakai dia? Ha..ambil facial cotton then sapu dekat seluruh
muka. Sapu leklok ye..jangan tonyoh pulak..ni nak segarkan muka bukan cuci
kasut skolah..haha..Nanti rasa segar je. Pastu tak sabar2 nak pakai
moisturizer@hydrate pulak.
iv) BE Hydrate: Kegunaan BE Hydrate ni ialah untuk menyeimbangkan kulit. BE Hydrate
is a nourishing moisturizer that absorbs quickly for perfectly healthy balanced
skin. Bila pakai ni lengkaplah regim penjagaan kulit anda.
TIPS: Perseverance (Ketekunan)
is the KEY. Kalau baru pakai seminggu dah give up memang la tak jadi ape dik
oii. Melainkan if you all nak pakai yang produk bleaching tu mmg la cepat tapi
rosak pon cepat. Silap haribulan kena kanser. Mintak dijauhkan ye. InshaaAllah.
Jom!! Interested??
Whatsapp LYSA : +60143257473
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